Bread in Common

Stoke-on-Trent's real bread bakery


Bread in Common was set up because we’re passionate about baking, buying and eating better bread, and believe that better, Real Bread is something that all of us have a right to enjoy. By real bread we main bread baked with flour, water, salt, yeast and natural flavourings such as herbs, seeds and nuts. We don’t use any additives or artificial ingredients.W e know that food connects everyone, and we want this to help open the door to the arts in Stoke-on-Trent, allowing us to welcome a diverse range of community members into our space.

We have run baking projects all over the city, and our legendary mobile wood-fired pizza oven has popped up at many events serving the best pizza you can eat without sitting down.

We are proud to run a partnership with Fareshare - an organisation that redistributes surplus food to charities and community projects (such as us) who then turn it into meals.

We have our Pay As You Feel Cafe which we run on a Friday lunchtime 12-2. We use surplus supermarket food and our bakes to create diverse and creative meals that anyone can come and enjoy - we simply ask people to pay what they feel and can.

72 Hartshill Road, Stoke, ST4 7RB

We are doers. We are a community. We change lives.
