Bread in Common

Stoke-on-Trent's real bread bakery

SHOW SOME LOAF: The Pay it Forward (PIF) Loaf Action

Every week at Bread in Common, alongside the bread deliveries we are delivering free bags of food that was going to waste (and is still good to eat) to households who have been hit hard by the pandemic and the current economic situation - part of the Fareshare initiative (

We have delivered over 220 of these bags in the last 10 weeks, and supported special deliveries to over 100 more families at Christmas and half term.

In the sprit of the Real Bread Week, as a member of the Real Bread Campaign (, we want to send out our bread with these deliveries.

To do that, as a charity, we would need your help.

Bread is a comforting and nourishing gift and a loaf from you will let families know that someone is thinking about them.

The Pay it Forward Loaf will be our signature Old Fashioned White, weight at 800g.

For a £2 donation from you, we will give a £2.50 loaf to someone who needs it.

You can add the loaf to your regular bread shopping - as shown on the shopping page, or click this link to make a donation.

We will make a note of all of our SHOW SOME LOAF donations and keep track of where they go.

We will be trying out this action until Easter (2nd April).

If you think it’s a good idea- please get behind it!